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Reveal Example


Revolver.registerTransition('reveal', function(options, done) {
  var $nextSlide    = $(this.slides[this.nextSlide]);
  var $currentSlide = $(this.slides[this.currentSlide]);

  // move current slide above the next slide
  // so that when the current is faded out
  // the next slide beneath it will be revealed
  $currentSlide.css('z-index', this.numSlides);
  $nextSlide.css('z-index', this.nextSlide);

  // gonna need this
  var complete = this.trigger.bind(this, 'transitionComplete');

  // all slides except the current are hidden
  // so we must unhide the next slide before
  // we can begin the transition
  $nextSlide.css({width: '100%'}).show(0, function(){
    // on complete start fading...
    $currentSlide.velocity({width: 0}, {
      duration: 400,
      easing: "swing",
      complete: done

var mySlider = new Revolver({
  containerSelector: '.slider',
  slidesSelector: '.slide',
  transition: {
    name: 'reveal' // <-- use custom transition